Selection Committee

The Project Selection Committee consists of 7 persons (representatives of the authorities and organizations that are in the partnership). For each titular member, substitute members have to be appointed. Selection of projects shall be made by LAG through its Selection Committee. Selection criteria shall be elaborated by LAG based on the Local Development Plan (includes the local development strategy), by taking into consideration local specificities. Special attention shall be given to innovative projects, e.g.: new solutions to old problems, introduction and development of new products, new market systems, modernization of traditional activities through application of new technologies, etc. Selection of projects shall be made based on the “double quorum” rule, i.e. for validation of votes it is necessary that at the time of selection, at least 50% of the Selection Committee members have to be present, out of which at least 50% have to be from the private sector and civil society. In order to ensure a transparent project selection process and to carry out control and monitoring activities, during such selections a representative in the county of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, from the County Rural Development Department shall also be present.  

                 Structure of the Selection Committee

Nume și prenume Instituția Funcția Tip parteneriat
Mihalca Gheorghe      
Vieser Ștefan Imre SC Kala SRL administrator privat - societate comerciala
Lukacs Sandor SC Landtechnik SRL administrator privat - societate comerciala
Hankusz Josif Parohia Romano-Catolică Dindeștiu Mic paroh privat - unitate de cult
Czier Tibor Asociația Caritas Catolica Tășnad director privat - ONG
Heinrich Mihaly Caminul de varstnici Foieni director privat - ONG
Bodizs Levente Intreprindere Individuala Bodizs Levente asociat unic privat - persoana autorizata

Membrii supleanți a Comitetului de selecție a proiectelor

Nume și prenume Instituția Funcția Tip parteneriat
Papp Tibor Comuna Andrid primar public - administrație publică
Moș Dumitru Dorel SC Moș SRL administrator privat - societate comercială
Ritli Anton SC Agromec Cămin SA director privat - societate cooperativa
Gall Sandor Parohia Reformată Ghenci paroh privat - unitate de cult
Toth Arpad Asociația Sportivă Victoria Petrești președinte privat - ONG
Șteț Gheorghe Parohia Ortodoxă Română Chegea paroh privat - unitate de cult
Csaholczi Anca Mariana PFA Csaholczi Anca Mariana asociat unic privat - persoană autorizată